3-D Printing Laboratory

Constant innovation in the materials processing sector has enabled the accelerated development and refinement of various 3D printing techniques. The group of Innovation in Materials and Molecular Engineering - Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies (IMEM-BRT) works with two 3D printing techniques: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and ink extrusion-based printing. 3D printing by FDM has been used in our Group for several applications like the manufacture of molds or supports for the production of parts with specific designs; supports for electrochemical sensors; manufacture of electrodes and printing of thermosensitive platforms, that is, 4D printing. Recently, in the 3D printing laboratory of the IMEM-BRT group, 3D printing by extrusion is being used to manufacture systems based on hydrogels or bio-inks for various applications, such as electronic applications (batteries, capacitors, fuel cell) and related to the biomedical field (conductive hydrogels, thermosensitive hydrogels).
Service responsible:
Prof. Carlos Alemán (carlos.aleman@upc.edu)
Dr. Brenda Molina (brenda.guadalupe.molina@upc.edu)