Polymers and Advanced Materials Characterization Laboratory

The group of Innovation in Materials and Molecular Engineering - Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies (IMEM-BRT) focuses one of its main lines of research on the development, analysis and characterization of polymeric materials and hybrid materials, i.e. combinations of polymeric materials with other types of materials, such as ceramics and metals, and natural compounds. Some of the most relevant fields in which we work are: the design of conductive plastic materials, hydrogels, biosustainable and biodegradable polymers (thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers and composites). Regarding applications, we work on advanced and innovative materials for biomedical applications (sensors, systems of drug release or platforms for tissue engineering) and technological (solids and semi-solids electrolytes for fuel cells, batteries, organic capacitors/supercapacitors, polymeric membranes, and the use of bioceramic compounds as catalysts, hydroxyapatite among others). Therefore, in our characterization laboratories different types of analysis are carried out for the complete identification of chemical structures and main properties of these materials.
Service responsible:
Prof. Elaine Armelin (elaine.armelin@upc.edu)
Dr. Sonia Lanzalaco (sonia.lanzalaco@upc.edu)